Talha Faiyazuddin....... Student MBBS
On a bench, by the side of a lake with my eye balls rolling in all possible directions, I found the love of my life. The sun was rising; the world of my side was getting lit and also was my brain and heart. After a night of darkness and loneliness, at last there was the time of illumination.
The largest object, full of energy which one can see every day, the sun with its heat and brightness, brought another day. There are mobile energy generators of different companies, moving on four wheels and providing electricity of 1000 of watts to people. But, this sun had no wheels or any stand supporting it; it was just there every day with its own. I could not think of any ‘Co. Ltd’ or ‘Bros.’, which could have made the sun.
There were clouds floating in the sky, carrying a form of water to rain at places, taking shapes one can imagine. Though there are water tankers carrying 5000 liters of water throughout the city, it is only the clouds which could bring life to the dead soil, and make the trees look rejuvenated. I could not think of any ‘Co. Ltd’ or ‘Bros.’, which could have manufactured them on demand.
Leaving the ornaments, when I tried to look behind them into the blue background, the eyes could not reach the end (even the telescopes haven’t). I was looking for a defect in the curtain, the sky, to know what is beyond, in every attempt my sight returned worn out and frustrated. The sky was entirely perfect, high without any pillars.